Category Manager
Griffith Foods es un fabricante global de productos alimenticios. Proporcionamos una amplia gama de componentes de sabor y textura para clientes de la industria alimentaria de todo el mundo. Nuestros productos incluyen mezclas de condimentos, mezclas secas, sistemas de recubrimiento, mezclas de masas, migas, sabores, salsas y bases alimentarias que se utilizan en una amplia variedad de aplicaciones, desde aperitivos, carne y pollo procesados hasta platos preparados. Entre nuestros clientes se encuentran procesadores de alimentos, operadores de restaurantes y minoristas de comestibles. Aunque nuestro nombre puede no ser familiar para los consumidores, nuestros productos son componentes clave de los alimentos ofrecidos por muchas de las empresas más reconocidas del mundo.
Position: Category Manager
Location: Monterrey, Nuevo León
- The primary purpose and function are centered around managing and growing a specific product category within the food industry, ensuring profitability, meeting consumer needs, and supporting the overall business objectives of the company.
Major duties & Responsibilities:
- The Role is primarily responsible for driving the success and growth of a product category through strategic planning, financial management, innovation, and cross-functional collaboration. Their role includes overseeing the product portfolio, managing the P&L, developing new products, understanding market trends, and working closely with internal teams and external partners. They ensure that the category meets performance goals, aligns with consumer needs, and contributes to overall business objectives.
Knowledge and Experience:
- Bacherlor´s degree in Marketing.
- 6 years experience (preferanly) as Brand Manager.
- Fully bilingual (English & Spanish).
- Expertise in the Foodservice Industry encompasses understanding the dynamics of businesses that provide food and beverages outside of the home, such as restaurants, catering companies, cafeterias, and institutional food services. This knowledge includes familiarity with industry trends, consumer preferences (e.g., health-conscious eating, sustainability), and key operational factors such as supply chain management, menu development, pricing strategies, and customer service standards.
- Portfolio Management involves overseeing a range of products or services within a company's portfolio to ensure optimal performance, growth, and resource allocation. Functional knowledge in this area includes understanding market trends, assessing product life cycles, and strategically managing the introduction, modification, and discontinuation of products.
Otros detalles
- Grupo de puestos Marketing
- Función del puesto Commercial
- Tipo de pago Salario
- Indicador de empleo MEX - 90 Days
- Nivel de formación requerido Título de licenciatura
- Monterrey, N.L., México